About SIM

As the name suggests, Secondary Infertility Matters.  It really does matter.  No discussion. Full Stop.

And as such, it deserves more acknowledgement, recognition, exposure and sufferers need more understanding, support and a world where they can talk about their pain freely, without fear of criticism. That is the purpose behind this website.

Having managed my site www.morelovetogivebyhelendavies.com for 3 years now and received tremendous feedback, I was concerned that I was still hearing the same stories and frustrations from couples that I did when I first launched the site to promote my book.  “Nobody understands” “It’s so nice to have somewhere I can talk where someone ‘gets’ me” and “It’s such a relief to read other stories and know I’m not the only one.”  It was feedback like this that inspired me to launch a new blog and website that was about more than just my journey and book, and gave more general information to those struggling and their friends and families.

My journey is still important in providing the background to the new site and blog.  I’m not a medical practitioner, I have no qualifications in the subject but if there was a T-shirt – I reckon I’ve earned it!!  And it’s from my first hand experience that I write.

I am passionate about the subject these days.  If I could shout from the top of the Humber Bridge “You are not alone! It’s OK to want more!” I would, but I hate heights and it would probably trigger a mass deployment of the emergency services, mistaking me for a jumper.  So this blog will have to do!

Read. Enjoy. Share.

Helen x